Tuesday, February 5, 2008

Hair Types

  • Normal hair is shiny yet not greasy, and fairly easy to manage.
  • Greasy hair looks good for a day or two after shampooing, but then quickly becomes lank.
  • Dry hair is difficult to control after shampooing, looks dull and has ends that are dry and split.
  • Greasy dry hair is usually fairly long and the hair nearest the scalp is greasy while the ends are dry.

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About Me

My photo
sungai petani, kedah, Malaysia
just a little cute gal... huhuhu!!

sunsilk silky n straight

sunsilk silky n straight

mY fAv CoLlEcTiOns....

  • Safi Zaiton Oil
  • Sunsilk Damage Repair Conditioner
  • Sunsilk Damage repair shampoo

what ur opinion on ya hair looks?